In Summer 2022, I went on an epic trip in Europe. I’m writing about it here, inspired by my friend Max’s travel blog.
At the end of my job search, I did something I totally wasn't expecting. I turned down all my academic job offers and signed the OpenAI offer instead.
I went on the Computer Science academic and industry job market last year (2021-2022), and am writing this post to share a bit about my experience to other applicants. I received so much help along the way, so I wanted to pay some of that forward.
A week ago, I attended CVPR 2022 in New Orleans. It was super fun seeing everyone in person, and I figured I'd share some reflections on the conference.
I haven't posted on this blog in a while, so I figured it would be a good idea to do so more! I thought it might interest people to see the kind of deep learning systems we have here. (Also, it'll be nice to refer back to this post next time I have to build a system for the lab).
If you're a first or second year graduate student in the sciences, or are planning to apply to graduate school during this cycle, there's a good chance that around now you're applying for the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF GRFP). I won the fellowship this past March (with a lot of help) and thought I'd share some advice of my own.